Cloud Rush, innovation consensus brings innovative changes

Cloud Rush
2 min readAug 18, 2021

The consensus algorithm is the foundation of all blockchains and the most important part of the blockchain platform. The most common consensus algorithms in the blockchain include POW (Proof of Work), and POS (Proof of Stake), etc.

Among them, the POW proof-of-work mechanism, which is the most widely used and has the highest proportion, is known to be the first to be adopted by Bitcoin and Ethereum. However, due to its slow speed, high energy consumption and other characteristics, it is now being innovated by other consensus.

For example, Filecoin (token Fil) innovatively adopts a hybrid consensus mechanism: Proof of Replication (PoRep) + Proof of Time and Space (PoSt) + Expected Consensus (EC).

Cloud Rush

Many blockchain projects are no longer limited to a single consensus in the adoption of consensus mechanisms. The hybrid consensus algorithm has low energy consumption, fast response, fairness, confidentiality, public verifiability and security.

Cloud Rush focuses on blockchain project incubation, blockchain computing power, mining pool formation, sales and custody of mining machine research and development, and will be committed to blockchain hybrid consensus protocols: Proof of stake + proof of space-time, AI smart contract calculations, Zero-knowledge proof privacy computing, docking multiple storage protocols, cloud intelligent mining, and other technical research, aiming to make contributions to the innovative development of blockchain.

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Cloud Rush can provide the most professional blockchain(Filecoin) one-stop mining service solution